Time goes back and to the present as a surprise into the future.

Down the wrong path, now change that!

Instead of ruining our own country we can ruin someone elses!

The basic strategy is to untie the Russian's shoe laces so they trip and fall, then roll down the hill, then falls in love with a Ukrainian.

Putin to underestimate us again.

If you win, do you really win?

If I can find some Aliens I will join them and head to their planet! Or maybe I will join the remaining wagner group to sieze minerals from Africa.

Russian strength, can you believe it has gone back in time? Now it is the start of the war and Russia has a modernized military, it's enormous! They are the mighty Russian military and now their society also. The might military society! The Kremlin is chanting for the incoming glory! If might is right, then in the future what is right? Do we need right and wrong anymore??? Will Russian eat tank shaped cookies!