It is happy people who are the most beautiful, and being happy is more than just smiling, but that can help!

Finding mental wellness is a maze, a journey, full of discovery, dangers, risks, and being happy. Remember to be happy. It is a choice you know.

The river flows backwards and the boat also, the town you left is here in all its glory, all gold and full of flowers in vases, all lovely like a painting, till it peels away, the vision is gone, and something is coming, something like a train in the night, screeching like a giant bat, the night of wonders and magic.

The years go, anytime anyway, no matter what it flies, times are leaping ahead of you, catching on fire, shooting for the moon and fading..

Ascending into an innocent city, neon women very pretty, vodka and tonic get you moving, get you talking, make you foolish, idiots with cool looks on the sidewalk smoking cigars, quick fixes fixer ups and downers, people chasing people, people down on their luck, zombies in drag, its Babylon my friends.