The door can not shut all the way, they run instead.

America as a mystical experiment.

The Turkey Revolution!

I climbed upwards and hit the sky with my tricycle. Wild was the wind she was hiding there at the summit, wild waving raven hair, the clouds lept into the ethers, again, again, the crows came, spinning onto the tree at the top of earth.

The song of the year!

America will rise again, and again, and again. It's a magic even Americans don't understand, yet it will happen again!

Kremlin wakes from a dream, to find that Ukraine appears to be a country, strong, and united with most of the world in defense of it's land that was taken. Can it be? Then back to sleep. Then in the dream Russia is weaker and it's not a dream at all, especially now.

The Turkey Revolution is on! Vikings are on the loose and new oppressions of the world are being prepared, including more cats roaming in every city, plus Giro as the new international food. Are you ready!

In the talking heads net space he said then she said that he said and they talked about them to him, so it was adviced that she stop doing that, but she was defiant and had an opinion..

Breasts of the COSMIC GODDESS to be visable in 17 states including all of Alaska. The event happens every 8000 years, so this better be big!

When I ditch earth for another planet I will bring the best tooth paste for breath freshness and minty flavor. Any suggestions? Any planets with less corruption, abuse of power and random violence?