The home I live is for the uncertian time, even the city, for some peace of mind.

The promise for my peace of mind:

What ever I need for that

The required of what is asked

For that

So nerves turn well

Turn musical

As you must have gueesed my secret

You must know what is there

We share

Yet the required is my power

I am like an eight cilinder

With maintnence issues

Got wires and bolts and screws?

At the majestic road

I can see the star goddess feeling herself

Lighting up the hopes of men

Lifting sour smiles into pure hearts

To dance around a bonfire

And pretend like new lifes began

Drinking orange wind

Breaking oranges

Singing songs


The Wolfe ate my Grandma?!

A road has a mind of it's own

To the land of gold

Will the horse go?

And the man on the horse

Knitting something wise and wicked

Something deep and dark

Lurking in the cave

In the forbidden park

That song of a creature

Gobbling down horses

Some giant goblin

All conflict which has a longing

Lurking like a demon

On route 66

Chapter 6

What is this?

Darth Vader's laughing brothers?