deep in the fog of a frame!!

A life of the imagination

On the streets

On the streets again

Mixing in odd spots

So strange

I think I like it!

The bay remains

The bridge to green Marin


Memories mix with the now

Present reality

Egrets calling.

Nothing exciting like...

a speeading illness

Creeping like a strange cloud

Creeping as it does

Sleep little darling

As the cloud shifts like

A small planet!

The unnatural is stunning

Until a point.

I must confess I have a hologram of a yellow duckling that is farting into the water!

It is better than Teli!

And my favorite toy as a baby was my rubber ducky!

So fun

Rubber Ducky

You're the one!

Perhaps there is a strange binary constant between something and nothing,

an extreme example is while walking on a sidewalk your feet pound on something.  On the binary there is no sidewalk and you are basically nowhere with pretty much nothing.  Huh?

The cat came back the very next day and spinning the Forrest into life for secrets of love and life arise arise cat no name tabby.

So what's news Smarco,

I have not reached level 3 yet, but I am living in the Silver Age.   definition for Silver Age is on of my notebooks.  Sorry.

Searching for Stardust...

In time in time there

The music is full

Accounting for all
