At the majestic road

I can see the star goddess feeling herself

Lighting up the hopes of men

Lifting sour smiles into pure hearts

To dance around a bonfire

And pretend like new lifes began

Drinking orange wind

Breaking oranges

Singing songs


The Wolfe ate my Grandma?!

A road has a mind of it's own

To the land of gold

Will the horse go?

And the man on the horse

Knitting something wise and wicked

Something deep and dark

Lurking in the cave

In the forbidden park

That song of a creature

Gobbling down horses

Some giant goblin

All conflict which has a longing

Lurking like a demon

On route 66

Chapter 6

What is this?

Darth Vader's laughing brothers?

I remember when I really began to ponder I came up with the word Detris to describe something..

Here is what I remember:

A powerful force that works in a very weird way.

It is like a drug almost that is frighteningly destructive

We passively stand there as it kills us


The idea is destruction has a light or something?

What most people call effort is hardly enough

The comfort is not comfortable enough

(Sounds like a poem)

We can only see and experience so much before we die..

Much of the finer stuff being unknown to the person and sometimes all of humanity.

With this website I do make a difference so..

Problems to address

Human relations


Bad trends

Unchangable realities that are f ed up

How to confront problems correctly

The troubled youth

The difficulty of real progress

Effects of inequality

How do people effectively forgive

Revealing the problem of male gene mutations

The need for better culture and arts

What is worthy on the internet now

Technology growth in the future

The insanity defense

The truth about progress in the United States

Can the computer really remove the Telivision

How to stop extremism

Getting honest about health

What is newsworthy

How to advocate for yourself

What problems are worth your time

What is power used incorrectly

What is really worth worrying about sometimes

What is worth digging up from the past

What constitutes a serious mistake

What are modern annoyances we can agree on

How can more great things happen

Thats my list for now!